Friday, March 9, 2012


I know! I know! I know that PC's have much better graphics! I don't need a whole article on how Fallout 3 looks gorgeous on a PC compared to an XBOX 360... Here's the point: I have both systems, a high end PC and XBOX 360, and enjoy playing on both. However, I have noticed that the number of players is rising on XBOXs these days, and I was wondering why that is... I created this question to not only say what I love about both, but to hear why everyone else chooses which they prefer... Here are MY views on things: I love both PC and console gaming, but I would hate to double up on all my games, for instance, I have already bought 2 versions of all of the Call of Duty games, one on XBOX and one on PC. As you may know, this is not only expensive but redundant. I understand that these are hard times for everyone, and that is why there are more console gamers appearing than there have been in a while: in order to play a cool PC game with good graphics, you need a pretty nice PC, which can cost anywhere from $400 - $4000, not including monitor, headset, speakers, etc. while it can cost only fractions of that by buying an XBOX 360, only $200 - $300 for the actual console, not including the television setup, speakers, etc. and have not as good graphics, but a fun and memorable experience nonetheless. I am fortunate enough to have both, but I threw it out there for reference. Most of my friends rave about their XBOXs and the games they have, and I want to play those games with them, but I would much prefer using a mouse and keyboard over a controller for most of the games XBOX offers. I do not hate the controller, I am just a bigger fan of the mouse and keyboard, as it delivers crisp and precise movements and control over the XBOX controller. I LOVE XBOX LIVE, everything about it is awesome, the free ("free" with a $50 Gold XBOX LIVE subscription) IGN Insider Moves, OXM, Major's Minute, the whole lot, but I love Steam as well. Not only does Steam offer many killer deals on games and have mega sales on almost everything, STEAM IS FREE! I love when I come home from buying an XBOX game, slip the game into the console and play it, without any installation or waiting, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. I could care less where I played, whether on a couch or a comfy chair, but I enjoy playing on the same console with my friends, which is impossible on a PC. I am a big fan of the PC's highly advertised "Free DLC" through updates and patches, vs paying $10 - $15 for XBOX DLC. However, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for the PC has tested my patience and appreciation for Steam games, as I have run into many hackers and cheaters that ruin the game for everyone. Dedicated servers are awesome, as you can find any match you wanted: gametype, map, mods, player numbers, hardcore/normal health, etc. and join that game in an instant. But playing in a lobby adds a dimension of unknown and uncertainty (Who am I playing with? What is the next map?) which is also different and enjoyable. In my honest opinion, both the PC and XBOX 360 are pretty evenly matched in terms of fun, playability and entertainment, but as of right now, and the foreseeable future, I think that most of my time will be spent on my PC, as it is (in my opinion), and has been, the best way to play video games. There, I have written my essay, the point I'm trying to make is: Which do YOU think is better: the PC, or the XBOX 360, and WHY?Which is better: XBOX 360 or PC? *PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST, OR MOST OF IT...*?
woah, that was exhausting. after reading your essay, what do you want me to tell you? but my answer is the pc.

Multiple reasons, let me say why:

1. games for pc are cheaper than games for xbox (mostly)

2. pc can also do your schoolwork and other stuff and xbox cant.

3. im pretty sure your pc can last longer than the xbox

4. pc normally has warranty/guarantee but i dont think xbox has the same.

hope this is satisfying
I didn't bother reading your essay so I will just answer 'yes' to your question.Which is better: XBOX 360 or PC? *PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST, OR MOST OF IT...*?
A high end PC is much more expensive than xbox360, and xbox360 has better online servers that is the reason for increasing number of players on xbox360. PC is still the best for gaming, it depends on you and your friends, do you guys prefer doing online gaming on xbox360 or pc, because everyone can own an xbox360 but not everyone can own a high end pc.
okay in ref to the rise in console players that is due to the fact that most people do not have high end gaming pc's. It is much cheaper to buy a console and you don't have to update them nearly as often. So yeah these days if there is a game on both pc and xbox the console will always have more players online. Thats just the way it is, so I always get games on my 360 for that reason alone. If its pc exclusive I buy it on the pc, but if they are both I always go 360 if there is a online focus. It also helps that I prefer the pad to the keyboard so 360 gets a nod for that to.Which is better: XBOX 360 or PC? *PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST, OR MOST OF IT...*?
Who the hell is going to read this then answer it..... i certainly didn't But Pc has better graphics then the 360? Seriously??

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